Invisible Pilates

Hello and welcome to PJ's Blog!

The My Story page of PJ's Pilates has a little backstory about how I discovered my love for Pilates and such so I won't repeat that here.  You can also read the sidebar to the right >>>>>>>> for a little tidbit or two about me!

So, let's get down to it:  

There are loooootttttsss of blogs out there, Pilates and otherwise, so what can you expect from this blog?
Useful Information.
Sound like a deal?
Here's your first installment..


Invisible Pilates

Did you know that you can do Pilates anywhere, anytime, without anyone even knowing you are doing it?
It's true.
Do this a few times throughout your day to gently wake your Body, refresh your Mind, and nourish your Spirit!

  1. Sit on a firm surface with your feet flat on the floor, knees bent, hands resting on your lap.

  2. Perch on your sitting bones: Make sure you are not sticking your butt out or rounding your lower back.  

  3. Scoop your belly:  Become taller as you GENTLY lift your bellybutton up towards the bottom of your ribcage and back toward your spine.  You want gentle engagement here, not tensing up like someone is about to punch you in the gut.

  4. Relax your neck muscles: Gaze straight ahead and let your head become light, as if there's a helium balloon attached to the top of it, gently lifting it the top of your head toward the ceiling.  Make sure you are not poking your chin forward or tucking it in toward your neck.  Let your head balance easily on your spine.  

  5. Are you lifting your shoulders toward your ears?  Allow your shoulder blades to melt down your back as easily as ice cream melts on a hot day.

  6. Take 3 deep breaths, silently counting to 5 on each inhale and on each exhale.  Allow your ribcage to expand to the front, back, and sides on each breath.

Invigorating, no?
As you return to your daily tasks, don't lose what you just found here!  Keep your belly gently scooped, your head floating, and BREATHE baby breathe!
